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Cough with coronavirus infection - What is the coronavirus cough like?

Coughing is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus infection, but not all coughs are indicative of COVID-19.  Cough assessment is a useful diagnostic tool that doctors have used for centuries.  What are the hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection as the source of the cough? Coughing with coronavirus infection - what should you pay attention to? Coughing itself is not a very specific symptom that may be harmless.  However, knowledgeable healthcare professionals can use  coughing  as a guide in making a diagnosis.  A visit to the doctor is recommended especially in a situation where we are dealing with a cough that lasts for weeks, is accompanied by expectoration of secretions with blood or a change in the color of phlegm.  A disease symptom, also in the case  of coronavirus infection  , is also a cough with  fever  , dizziness and  fatigue  . The following points will be helpful for your doctor  about coughing  to help evaluate this symptom: duration of cough  - it is important w
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12 home remedies for coughs and colds

When we have a cough or a cold, we do not immediately have to run to the pharmacy for special drugs or antibiotics to fight the disease.  There are home remedies for colds that have been used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for years.  Below you will find 12 ways to fight coughs and cold 1. For a sore throat and  cough  - onion syrup The preparation of the syrup is not complicated.  Onions  should be cut into small cubes or slices.  Then cover the onion pieces  with honey or sugar  and put the container with the mixture aside in a warm and dark place for about a day.  This is needed for the onion to let go of juices.  To enhance the beneficial effects of the syrup, we can add garlic to it, because both onion and garlic have antiviral and antibacterial properties.  Such a syrup helps the body fight infection.  In addition, this mixture inhibits persistent coughing by reducing mucus secretion.  It is also credited with expectorant properties and soothing a sore throat.  The sy