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Cough with coronavirus infection - What is the coronavirus cough like?

Coughing is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus infection, but not all coughs are indicative of COVID-19.  Cough assessment is a useful diagnostic tool that doctors have used for centuries.  What are the hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection as the source of the cough? Coughing with coronavirus infection - what should you pay attention to? Coughing itself is not a very specific symptom that may be harmless.  However, knowledgeable healthcare professionals can use  coughing  as a guide in making a diagnosis.  A visit to the doctor is recommended especially in a situation where we are dealing with a cough that lasts for weeks, is accompanied by expectoration of secretions with blood or a change in the color of phlegm.  A disease symptom, also in the case  of coronavirus infection  , is also a cough with  fever  , dizziness and  fatigue  . The following points will be helpful for your doctor  about coughing  to help evaluate this symptom: duration of cough  - it is important w

Cough with coronavirus infection - What is the coronavirus cough like?

Coughing is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus infection, but not all coughs are indicative of COVID-19. Cough assessment is a useful diagnostic tool that doctors have used for centuries. What are the hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection as the source of the cough?

Coughing with coronavirus infection - what should you pay attention to?

Coughing itself is not a very specific symptom that may be harmless. However, knowledgeable healthcare professionals can use coughing as a guide in making a diagnosis. A visit to the doctor is recommended especially in a situation where we are dealing with a cough that lasts for weeks, is accompanied by expectoration of secretions with blood or a change in the color of phlegm. A disease symptom, also in the case of coronavirus infection , is also a cough with fever , dizziness and fatigue .

The following points will be helpful for your doctor about coughing to help evaluate this symptom:

  1. duration of cough - it is important whether the symptom lasts for a few or several days, or for weeks or months;
  2. when the cough is getting worse - at night, in the morning or maybe it occurs irregularly during the day;
  3. what a cough sounds like - it can be dry, barking (a type of dry cough), wet or choking;
  4. the severity of the cough - the cough may be unrelenting, intermittent or debilitating, and it can sometimes make it difficult to carry out daily activities;
  5. Whether coughing causes additional symptoms such as vomiting , dizzinessor insomnia.
  6. COVID-19 dry cough

    The predominant symptoms indicative of COVID-19 are fever and fatigue, as well as a feeling similar to that of colds and flu . About half of those infected with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus also have a cough.

    In COVID-19 , the cough is dry and persistentdue to irritation of the lung tissue. Muscle aches and shortness of breath ( dyspnoea ) also appear when you cough . As the disease progresses, fluid builds up in your lungs, so your breathing difficulties may become worse over time.

    Check that the symptoms you see are not related to the coronavirus as soon as possible. Perform one of the COVID-19 Shipping Tests you can purchase on Medonet Market.

    How is a wet cough different from a dry cough?

    When a person develops a wet cough , it means that the phlegm is coming into the mouth from the lower respiratory tract, not from the nose and throat. Wet sound is made by fluid in the airways and may also be accompanied by wheezing. Lower respiratory tract infections are accompanied by a wet cough because they have more secretory glands than there are in the throat.

    There is no phlegm with dry cough as the cough reflex starts in the throat. The sound of this type of cough is barking or hoarse. A dry cough does not clear the airways of secretions, so experiencing it may be described as unsatisfactory. This is the symptom that is typical of infections affecting the nose and throat, such as flu or a cold.

    Sometimes a dry cough turns into a wet coughAn example would be pneumonia . Initially, a dry cough appears which may be painful and may be associated with worsening breathlessness. Over time, as inflammation develops, mucus begins to fill the air sacs in the lungs and the lungs become full of fluid and blood. Then the cough becomes wet. At this stage of the disease, the sputum becomes foamy and blood-stained.

    Cough indicating other diseases

    Dry cough also occurs in the course of bacterial infection with whooping cough . In this disease, the symptom takes the form of coughing attacks that result in loud breathing and difficulty catching breath. Often there is also discharge when coughing.

    If you have a cough, it is worth considering the need to consult a doctor. It is especially important to seek medical advice if you are struggling with chronic and violent cough . It can lead to damage to the respiratory tract, muscle tears or fractures in the ribs.

    Coughing is a symptom that should not be underestimated. Medical consultation (also in the form of teleportation) is recommended especially when the symptom persists for a long time or intensifies.


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